Friday, August 28, 2020

Non Designated Programming Facilities...

     Many have asked me to explain the differences between GP, SNY, PC and NDPF yards, so I've decided to provide a little enlightenment. First of, all, let's explain the acronyms. In California, GP means General Population. It refers to somebody in prison who walks the "mainline," somebody who's not SNY or PC. SNY stands for Sensitive Needs Yard. It's very similar to PC, but generally not taken as seriously. This category typically includes anyone convicted of a sex offense, people who've dropped out of gangs, ex law enforcement, former prosecutors and judges, people who've testified at trial, rats and snitches who rat and snitch just for the thrill of it, and people who just wanted away from the violence associated with the mainline. PC stands for Protective Custody. It's much more exclusive, reserved for high notoriety cases like Charles Manson. They don't go ANYWHERE until the entire yard is placed on lockdown for their protection. Finally, there's the NDPF. It stands for Non-Designated Programming Facility. It refers to all Level I and II Facilities. Before, such a facility was either for GP or SNY, they were NEVER housed together, now, however, they're being integrated on the same yard.

     So, what does this mean? Let's begin by examining prison politics, which is just a fancy way of referring to the rules and regulations set in place by the men and women serving time. You may not like these rules, and that's fine, you don't have to (I certainly don't), but like them or not, they're there for a reason, and there are plenty of people there to enforce the rules.

     One of the rules is that you NEVER pass up an opportunity to beat down somebody from SNY or PC. If you do, your shotcallers will order you to be dealt with. If you're lucky, it's a beatdown, followed by orders to do sonething, usually a stabbing. Personally, I've never played prison politics, but I have a very...unique way of doing my time.

     Another rule pertains to what's called 50/50, or "soft yards." Places that aren't technically SNY yards, but only because CDCR hasn't given them the official designation. These are places that, for whatever reason, are filled with the kind of people who fit the criteria for SNY, but somehow managed to get sent to a soft yard instead. If somebody from the mainline gets sent there, their rules of conduct allow them only3 days to assault somebody who's already there. They're "supposed" to take out "one of their own." If they're a gang member, they're supposed to take out somebody who dropped out of their gang, but it's not like the paperwork will reflect this, so they usually just target.the weak. I seen a 60 year old man get a serious beatdown one day. The new arrival asked for a target, and the cop pointed him out, informing him the guy was a pedofile. He was, but the real reason was because this guy was constantly filing paperwork against the prison.

     So, the CDCR got the bright idea to integrate GP and SNY together on the Level I and II yards. Naturally, this is something we're ALL opposed to. GP guys don't want to go to a former SNY yard because it means they have to assault somebody and blow their chances at parole, and SNY guys don't want to be transferred someplace where they'll face a certain beatdown by overwhelming numbers, followed by a Rules Violation Report (RVR, or 115). Despite the fact that all are in agreement, including CDCR officers, management continues to integrate these yards. Active gang members are suddenly confronted with the very people who turned in evidence to the CDCR to complete the debriefing process and escape the SHU (another story in and of itself), and I don't need to explain what happens then. I've seen guys get off the bus, and within seconds, attack the person closest to them. I was in transit when one guy was taken out of restraints and began beating the guy next to  for being gay, while that guy was shackled and handcuffed, with his arms chained to his waist. The guards just stood there laughing. Naturally, the attacker received a writeup, but somehow, I doubt that knowledge made the victim's pain and suffering go away.

     This is the harsh reality of the prison system, but what you don't know, what you couldn't possibly know unless you've lived it, is that these rules evolved for a reason. Initially, it was for protection, but as with anything in CDCR, it became corrupted over time. Again, I don't agree with these rules, and by sharing them, I may have just signed my own death warrant, but I started this for a reason, to change the system, and that includes the way we operate just as much as CDCR.

Note: the following was taken directly from the CDCR website.

Non-Designated Programming Facility Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Introduction The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has undergone historic changes in recent years, and the department is placing a greater emphasis on rehabilitation and successful reintegration of offenders back into the community. In the past, CDCR was faced with escalating violence in prisons, and there was concern over housing certain inmates in General Population. As a result, Sensitive Needs Yards (SNY) were created back in the 1990s.
Currently, about one-third of our over 129,000 inmates are housed in a Sensitive Needs Yard, which means California prisons have the largest protective-custody population in the nation. It also means new SNY gangs have emerged, while violence in prisons continues to be a challenge. This well-intended policy simply has not worked.
In this period of significant criminal justice reform, CDCR is creating a system where inmates are responsible for their own conduct. It is our belief that inmates should live up to behavioral standards in prison, just like they will out in communities once they are released. That is the reason for the creation and phasing-in of the Non-Designated Programming Facilities.
What are Non-Designated Programming Facilities? Non-Designated Programming Facilities are facilities that house inmates together regardless of their designation (Sensitive Needs Yard (SNY) or General Population (GP)) in order to provide greater access to self-help, educational, vocational and rehabilitative programs. The department is doing this as one of the efforts to focus on an inmate’s rehabilitation, while safely housing them in the least-restrictive facilities possible. These facilities are intended to provide an environment focused on positive rehabilitative programming for inmates who abstain from violence.
No program shall segregate inmates based on prior SNY or GP housing status, and inmates are expected to participate in the recreation yard, job assignments, education/vocation assignments, inmate activity groups, religious services, and other programs and activities.
When is this transition happening? As of May 2018, multiple facilities and health care programs have already converted to NonDesignated Programming Facilities status. CDCR’s Level I and Level II housing facilities, as well as some higher-level facilities with primarily health care or mental health missions, will be slowly transitioned. All firehouses, Minimum-Support Facilities, and Camps will transition by October 2018.
Why did CDCR implement Non-Designated Programming? Because CDCR is committed to expanding rehabilitative opportunities for inmates in order to prepare returning citizens for greater personal success once they are released. Many of these opportunities are more accessible in lower level facilities. The focus of Non-Designated Programming Facilities is to provide an environment for inmates demonstrating positive programming and a desire to not get involved in the destructive cycles of violence and criminal activity/thinking.
Can an inmate volunteer for transfer and placement at a higher security level because they do not want to house in an NDFP? Pursuant to state law, CDCR places inmates in the least-restrictive security level appropriate based on their individual case factors. Allowing inmates to transfer to more restrictive, highersecurity levels based solely on the inmate volunteering for such placement is not appropriate.
How will the inmate population be advised of this change? The administration at each transitioning prison has developed a multidisciplinary team to oversee the transition to a Non-Designated Programming Facility, including conducting rounds and town halls to meet with staff, inmates, Inmate Advisory Councils and Inmate Family Councils in order to accommodate questions and support the transition. Institutions will also closely coordinate with Health Care staff relative to these efforts. Additionally, Non-Designated Programming Facilities shall be discussed with the inmate during classification committee reviews.
How will institutions handle inmates who engage in violent or threatening behavior towards other inmates in a Non-Designated Programming Facility? The safety and security of the inmates in our custody is our first priority, and our staff is well trained to ensure that continues to be the priority. Furthermore, any inmate who engages in violent or threatening behavior toward other inmates housed in a Non-Designated Programming Facility shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Potential transfer of inmates due to enemy concerns, or transfer to a higher security level based on classification committee review, continue to be appropriate per current policy.

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  Just released!!     I was incarcerated for almost 20 years  for a crime I didn't commit. I could have stayed bitter and resentful, get...