Thursday, July 30, 2020

Gladiator School

     I just learned about someone on Facebook who goes by the name "Gladiator School." According to the page, this sorry sack of shit works as a prison guard for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and maintains a separate blog here with me. Now I'll be perfectly honest, I've yet to read this the blog, but then, I don't really need to. I picked up everything I needed to know about his (or her) site from the first couple of pictures. More importantly, I LIVED through the CDCR's Gladiator School, so I know what I'm talking about here, and why the use of this name by a CDCR officer is so offensive.

     For those who didn't already know, the term "Gladiator School," when used in the CDCR or by a member if the CCPOA, it refers to the modern day incarnation of the Roman Colosseum's Gladiator Warriors. Slaves who fought for the pleasure of their owners, their rulers, even as a paid spectator sport. Well, that's exactly what happened in CDCR's Gladiator Schools. But don't take my word for it, read some news articles for yourself. Just know that they only covered part of it.

     The guards who worked the SHU in Corcoran (and other CDCR prisons), used to stage fights with their captive population, fights which they'd wager money on the outcome. You'd literally be in your own cell, minding your own business, and the door would suddenly rack open. As it did, somebody would rush in and start wailing on you for no reason at all. After enough time had passed to determine a clear Victor, the gunner would chamber a round and shoot both of you with a block, followed by guard's rushing in to separate you and return your attacker to him is cell.

     Sometimes, you weren't the attacked. Sometimes you were the attacker. Again, your door would open, and seeing that no  other doors had opened, you automatically knew what time it was. You were expected to rush the cell that opened next, and don't even think about refusing. First you'd be shot with the block gun, then, the doors to a couple of other cells, usually guys used for this very purpose, would open and they'd kick the crap out of you. If you really pissed them off, the guards would come in and stomp you a few times, too. You'd be given a week to heal, and then the beatings would start anew, until you finally gave in.

     Fights weren't the only things that happened, either. Most will die before admitting it, but rapes were commonplace. If you were lucky, and many weren't, they only used their dicks. Others didn't care quite so well, having all manner of foreign objected rammed into them. It was always reserved for people convicted of sex offenses, gay people or people who, even after the beatings, continued to try to assert their rights. Remember, to the CCPOA, you have no rights. You are, and always will be, an inmate. Nothing but a piece of shit to them. This picture, uploaded by the slimeball operating the Gladiator School website perfectly illustrates their attitude towards us. The top portion represents their attitude towards our attempts to assert our rights, the bottom portion is what they'd mock the rape victims with after they'd been violated.

     These are the sadistic monsters who watch over us every day, and yet, we still go out if our way to protect them. Not just by wearing masks during a pandemic, but by actually saving their lives. Just take a look at the most recent example from the other day. Still think we deserve to be here?

     You Might want to pay attention to these two particular posts. The first is open brags about people in prison dying. The second are open threats to take our lives as we're released.

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  Just released!!     I was incarcerated for almost 20 years  for a crime I didn't commit. I could have stayed bitter and resentful, get...